AMSOL e-Tutor

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PHP: Convert Date from one format to another

Some times you need to convert date format, you can use below examples

Example 1

$PDATEX = '2020-06-21';
echo $DM = date_format($date,"d-m-Y");
echo $DM = date_format($date,"d/m/Y");

Example 2

$myDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $PDATEX);
echo $newDateString = $myDateTime->format('m/d/Y');

Example 3

Data time conversion from date time format

$PDATEX = '29/11/2018, 16:08';
$FArray = (explode(",",$PDATEX));
$SRCDATE = $FArray[0];
$SRCTIME = $FArray[1];

	$SRCDATE2 = str_replace('/', '-', $SRCDATE);
	$FArray2 = (explode("/",$SRCDATE));

	$Year = $FArray2[2];
	$Month = $FArray2[1];
	$Day = 	$FArray2[0];		
	$Day =  substr($Day,0,2);		
	echo $NewDate = $Year.'-'.$Month.'-'.$Day.' '.$SRCTIME;

Definition and Usage

Some times you encounter data from other Databases and need to handle dates specified in their format, so this example gives you a start point

Code takes date as '29/11/2019, 16:08' you need to convert it to save in MySQL format '2019-11-29 16:08:00'.

$FArray = (explode(",",$PDATEX)); It breakes date in to parts, date part & time part

$SRCDATE = $FArray[0]; Saves date part in $SRCDATE variable

$SRCTIME = $FArray[1]; Saves time part in $SRCTIME variable

$SRCDATE2 = str_replace('/', '-', $SRCDATE); str_replace is PHP function which finds / and replces - as in MySQL date

Above example is enough and you will get date part, but you can also do so in another way
$FArray2 = (explode("/",$SRCDATE)); It further breakes $SRCDATE into day, month and year parts which you can assign to different variables to re-assemble in a variable