AMSOL e-Tutor

AMSOL e-Tutor helps you learn web programming better with examples. It also gives sample codes to implement.

PHP String Functions

PHP String functions are helpful in maipulating strings, keep in mind strings are text matter in any website/program. If we want to convert a paragraph to lowecase, capitalize only first character or any other manipulation, string functions will be helpfull.

Convert text to lower case

echo strtolower('WELCOME TO AMSOL E-TUTOR');

Convert text to upper case

echo strtoupper('welcome to amsol e-tutor');

Convert first letter of text to upper case

echo ucfirst('abdul rehman');

Convert first letter of each word in a text to upper case

echo ucwords('abdul rehman baig ');

Comparing two strings, keep in mind PHP is case sensitive. It returns true if strings macthes 100%.

echo strcmp("AMSOL Kutur ","amsol Tutor");

Check similar text

$TEXT1 ="Bill Gates";
$TEXT2 = "Bill Betes";
$TEXT3 = similar_text($TEXT1, $TEXT2, $PERCENT);
echo ($TEXT3);
echo ($PERCENT;

Repeat any character n times,

echo $RPT = str_repeat("*", 95);

Find and replace text

$TEXT = "Learn PHP String functions";
$TXT_SEARCH = "String";
$TXT_REPLACE = "Number";
print $TEXT . "
"; $TEXT_NEW = str_replace($TXT_SEARCH, $TXT_REPLACE, $TEXT); echo $TEXT_NEW;

Count words in a text

$num_of_words = str_word_count("The word count function");
print $num_of_words;

Count characters in a text

echo $CHARS = strlen("This is text text");

check a string for any pattern

$email = "";
$email_end = substr($email, strlen($email) - 4);
if ($email_end == ".biz" ) 
print "ends in .biz";
else {
print "doesn't end in .biz";

The trim() function removes whitespace from both sides of a string. We use mostly to purify the input entered by a user, where space character may be entered in start or end of a string.

$TXT = ' hello ';
eco trim($TXT);

The trim() function can also remove other predefined characters from both sides of a string.

$TXT = ' hello and welcome '
echo trim($str,"Hdw!");

Wrap a string into new lines when it reaches a specific length:

$str = "An example of a long word is: Supercalifragulistic";
echo wordwrap($str,15,"

Convert the predefined characters "<" (less than) and ">" (greater than) to HTML entities:

$str = "This is some bold text.";
echo htmlspecialchars($str);

The HTML output of the code above will be => This is some <b>bold</b> text.
and browser output of the code above will be => This is some bold text

Convert characters to HTML entities:

$TXT = 'Visit';
echo htmlentities($TXT);

The HTML output of the code above will be => <a href="">Go to</a>
The browser output of the code above will be => Visit

Split the string after each character and add a "." after each split.

$str = "Hello world!";
echo chunk_split($str,1,".");